开源协作绘画白板 Drawpile 2.2.1 中文多语免费版

摘要:Drawpile 中文版是一款适用于 Linux、Windows 和 macOS 的绘图应用程序。 它有一个值得尊敬的画笔引擎和所有基本的编辑工具(选择工具、触发器、镜像等),使其成为一个很好的徒手数字绘画应用程序。 但其最强大的功能是其简单的多用户模式。 如果您安装了 Drawpile,则可以从您的计算机或在 Dra…

Drawpile 中文版是一款适用于 Linux、Windows 和 macOS 的绘图应用程序。 它有一个值得尊敬的画笔引擎和所有基本的编辑工具(选择工具、触发器、镜像等),使其成为一个很好的徒手数字绘画应用程序。 但其最强大的功能是其简单的多用户模式。

如果您安装了 Drawpile,则可以从您的计算机或在 Drawpile 服务器上托管绘图会话,从而允许其他用户加入您的虚拟工作室。 这远远超出了屏幕共享会话的范围,屏幕共享会话仅允许其他用户查看您的绘画,而且它不是只有一个光标的远程桌面。 Drawpile 允许多个用户(每个用户都有自己的画笔)通过覆盖全球的网络同时在同一画布上工作。

开源协作绘画白板 Drawpile 2.2.1 中文多语免费版

开源协作绘画白板 Drawpile 2.2.1 中文多语免费版 Drawpile 中文版

使用 Drawpile 进行绘图

Drawpile 界面简单且最小。 应用程序窗口的右侧是停靠的调色板,顶部是工具栏。 大多数可用的工具都是可见的:画笔、油漆桶、线条、贝塞尔曲线等。

为了快速访问画笔,Drawpile 允许您将独特的画笔及其所有设置(包括颜色)分配给键盘上的数字键 1 到 5。 这是在绘图工具之间快速移动的一种高效且简单的方法。 6 键装有橡皮擦。

Drawpile 还具有图层,因此您可以将绘画的不同部分分开,直到将它们组合起来进行最终渲染。 如果您是动画师,您甚至可以使用 Drawpile 的洋葱皮和翻页功能(均在“图层”菜单中可用)来制作基本的逐帧动画。 与 Krita 不同,Drawpile 没有动画时间轴,但对于快速有趣的动画来说已经足够了。


Drawpile 不是 Krita 或 MyPaint,因此它的画笔引擎相比之下很简单。 不过,预设画笔具有常见的属性,包括:

  • 不透明度调整笔触与现有油漆的混合方式
  • 硬度定义了笔画的边缘
  • 涂抹可以让现有的笔触受到画笔的影响
  • 颜色拾取允许您的油漆从现有笔划中拾取颜色
  • 间距控制在笔画期间对完整画笔光标进行采样的频率

其中大多数都是压力敏感的,因此如果您使用绘图板(例如 Wacom),那么您的画笔笔触会根据笔压力而动态变化。 平板电脑支持是从 Krita 借来的,它产生了很大的差异(尽管对于模型或白板会话来说它可能有点过大)。

当您找到喜欢的画笔设置时,可以将其添加到画笔组中,以便以后再次使用。 要添加画笔,请单击停靠的画笔调色板右上角的“菜单”按钮,然后选择“添加画笔”。





如果您正在主持会话,请为您的会话指定一个标题和一个可选密码(或将其留空以允许任何人进入)。 在“服务器”部分中,设置是从您的计算机还是从其他人的服务器托管会话。 您可以免费在 pub.drawpile.net 上托管会话,但您的所有数据都将发送到互联网,这可能会影响性能。 如果您的互联网连接良好,则延迟可以忽略不计,但如果您对自己的互联网速度没有信心,或者因为您的协作者与您位于同一栋楼而没有理由上网,那么您可以托管您的本地会话。


在 macOS 和 Windows 上,您可能正在运行防火墙,并且可能需要在控制面板或系统设置中提供其他共享权限。


如果您要加入会话,则需要知道您尝试加入的会话的 URL 或 IP 地址。 URL 就像网站地址,例如 Synthesisdreams.net/listing。 IP 地址是 URL 的数字版本,例如。 有些 IP 地址位于建筑物内部,而其他 IP 地址则存在于互联网上。 如果您没有被邀请参加绘图会议,您也许可以在 Drawpile 的社区页面上找到一个公共群组。


开源始终意味着共享。 Drawpile 不仅是一个可以与朋友和同事分享的软件; 该软件可让您以有趣且富有创意的方式与他们一起工作。 在您的下一个项目或董事会会议中尝试使用 Drawpile!

Drawpile 许可证

GPL v3


What’s new in DrawPile 2.2.1
Feb 18, 2024
Fix: Default to previous directory when saving a fresh file. Thanks Crow for reporting.
Feature: Allow toggling performance-related canvas view settings, since some systems get slowdowns. Thanks DevonJP for reporting.
Fix: Don’t force TLS socket algorithms, since ECDSA certs seem to not like them. Thanks Bluestrings for reporting.
Fix: Log message queue read, write and timeout errors properly. Thanks Pepper for reporting.
Feature: Implement WebSocket support in the server, available with the –websocket-port and –websocket-listen options.
Feature: Send keepalive messages from the server, if the client indicates support for it. Avoids them disconnecting when too busy uploading to send a ping.
Feature: Active user counts for sessions. A user counts as active if they drew in the last five minutes.
Feature: Make invite links indicated web client capability and NSFM-ness of sessions so that the invite page can show a “join in the browser” button and an appropriate notice respectively. Thanks Blozzom for suggesting the latter.
Fix: Properly handle cancelling a connection while it’s being established. Thanks Fox for reporting.
Server Fix: When hosting without an account is enabled, also allow it for anyone with an account. Thanks ahaven for finding this.
Fix: Don’t resize brush settings unnecessarily larger when switching between brush types. Thanks Meiren for reporting.
Fix: Try to handle switching between tablet pen and eraser more consistently. Thanks Daystream for reporting.
Feature: Add next and previous key frame actions, allowing skipping between key frames in the current track. Thanks BulletPepper for reporting.
Fix: Properly refer to “layer” and “layer group” in layer actions depending on what is selected. Thanks Momo for reporting.
Fix: Save censored layers into PSDs properly. Thanks Blozzom for reporting.
Fix: Don’t allow copying, cutting and color picking from censored layers.
Fix: Rotate brush and fill outline along with the canvas. Thanks Bluestrings for reporting and xxxx for helping solve some issues with it.
Feature: Add experimental support for high-DPI interface scaling.
Fix: Don’t reset opacity multiply inputs to default when loading a brush that doesn’t have it set. Thanks Blozzom for reporting.
Fix: Limit MyPaint brush dab counts to more sensible values, since the defaults from MyPaint are pointlessly high and can cause chugging. Thanks Blozzom for reporting.
Fix: Don’t blink last user cursors again when making a selection.
Fix: Make user cursors trail MyPaint brush strokes better, only smoothing it out when there’s jitter. Thanks Blozzom for reporting.
Feature: Show latency in the status message, next to the session size and cursor coordinates. Thanks Meiren for suggesting.
Feature: Add action to pick color from screen, default shortcut is Shift+I. Thanks Meru for suggesting.
Feature: Allow switching the current brush to erase mode when using the tablet pen eraser instead of switching to the eraser tool slot. The setting for this is in the Input settings.
Feature: Make the Windows installer put a shortcut on the desktop.
Fix: Widen the stripes of the censor pattern so that it’s easier on the eyes. Thanks Ben for reporting.
Fix: Don’t remember uncensor layers across restarts, to avoid being exposed to things you didn’t want to just because you forgot to toggle it back off.
Fix: Properly show censored layers in the list even when they are revealed.
Server Fix: Allow reading users’ trusted status through the API, because it’s something you can write through it.
Server Feature: Allow limiting the maximum number of users per session. Moderators and administrators can override this.
Server Fix: Time out clients that take too long to disconnect gracefully. Thanks Bluestrings for reporting.
Fix: Properly apply layer properties if the layer changed since opening them.
Feature: Show last joined address in join dialog.
Fix: Hide disconnection banner after establishing connection to a session.
Fix: Make censoring layer groups actually have an effect.
Fix: Don’t use 64 bit stuff in 32 bit Windows installer.
Fix: Don’t break pinned start menue shortcuts when updating on Windows. Thanks Bluestrings and anonymous for reporting.
Server Fix: Don’t report temporary server bans as permanent. Thanks Bluestrings for reporting.
Server Fix: Properly convert between IPv4 and IPv6 when checking IP bans. Thanks Bluestrings for reporting.
Fix: Use proper measurements to decide on how much painting to do in a single step, hopefully preventing chugging caused by certain brushes.
Server Fix: Save catchup keys to file-backed sessions so that the counter doesn’t reset upon a server restart.
Fix: Don’t show user cursors while catchup dialog is open.
Feature: Add some bulk permission commands for (un)trusting and setting layer tiers, explanation available through /modhelp. Thanks Bluestrings for suggesting.
Fix: Don’t gray out layer ACL tier settings when a layer is assigned to users exclusively, since those settings are not exclusive.
Fix: Don’t include stuff from before session reset when restarting a recording because of one. Thanks Meiren for reporting.
Fix: Don’t overwrite recordings on Windows if the file names contain non-ASCII symbols. Thanks Meiren for reporting.
Fix: Make log file on Windows log non-ASCII symbols properly.
Fix: Don’t reorder listing servers when sorting by title in the browse tab.
Feature: Remember last sorting on the browse page. Thanks Bluestrings and Meiren for suggesting.
Fix: Only ask for confirmation when a self-signed TLS certificate changes, not when a “real” one renews. Thanks Bluestrings and Pepper for reporting.
Feature: Fill background for copying the merged image with a non-rectangular selection. Thanks Bluestrings for suggesting.
Fix: Make bezier curve tool generate smooth curves at small sizes, rather than getting jaggy. Thanks Crow for reporting.
Server Feature: Allow server owners to kick users not connected to a session.
Fix: Make navigator slider not eat keyboard inputs when navigator is undocked. Thanks anonymousduck for reporting.
Fix: Disregard hidden frames when rendering animations. Thanks Etide for reporting.
Server Feature: Log when a wrong password is entered for server accounts and sessions, disconnect the user after too many wrong tries.
Server Fix: Log client host and join attempts even when unsuccessful. Thanks Bluestrings for reporting.
Fix: Load default settings values after the program has initialized, avoiding crashes that can happen on Windows when building in debug mode. Thanks kiroma for reporting and testing.
Feature: Optimize classic brush calculation, making them a good chunk faster. Thanks kiroma for contributing.




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